Only the mastery and intensity that World acclaimed Miriam Larici and Leonardo Barrionuevo can put all these elements together in the most amazing expression of life.
Density, drama, charisma, magic and the precision only achieved after a lifelong full time career dedicated to explore all the corners of this complex form of art.
Heart, passion and sensuality explode on stage in a way only those who are at the epicenter of this culture can produce.
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to experience the generous performances and workshops these two fantastic artists want to share with you”
The Dance of Tango let me feel that I can warm the heart of other human beings, giving them my love, causing emotions and elevation into a higher stage, entering together into a trance in which I feel I can fly and I dance with the spirit of each and every one of you.
This is my mission when I dance: Integrate, Emote, Flood with Light, Share Love, entering into a stage of ecstasy where there’s only interior peace, poetry love and beauty.”
I could talk about them for hours, but what better introduction than Miriam’s own words to present to you this fantastic superstar of Tango Argentino.
After more than 2 years missing her, Miriam Larici is coming back to us to share all of her splendor, grace and beauty. She comes with her new partner, Leonardo Barrionuevo, with whom they just won the gold medal at NBC’s dance contest “Superstars of Dance”; there they measured their talent with some of the best dancers and types of dance from different parts of the world only to beat them all.
Learn about these two incredible dancers and teachers on their website: http://miriamlaricitango.com/
Miriam and Leo will be offering a workshop in Maui for dancers of all levels starting on May 10th following the schedule below:
Sunday 10th, MACC:
- 5 to 6:15 pm BEGINNERS: Fundamentals on Walking, abrazo/embrace and posture. We encourage the participation of all levels to refine and embellish your style
- 6:30 to 8 pm ALL LEVELS: Musicality, Syncopation, improve the Tango Dynamics. Technique for sacadas on social dancing. How to use the Sacadas without losing the Rhythm
- 8 to 10 pm OPEN PRACTICA (All the community is welcome to join the practica for the traditional $5 fee, whether you are taking the workshop or not)
Monday 11th, MACC:
- 6 to 7 pm FREE PRACTICA !!! (Come early and start warming up at no extra charge)
- 7 to 8:15 pm BEGINNERS: Lead and Follow on basic steps. What is Parallel and Cross system
- 8:30 to 10 pm INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED: Inter-Advanced: Milonga class. Rhythm. Appropriate steps to this fun style. Choices on Ocho cortado step.
Tuesday 12th, La Milonguita de Tamara: (http://www.tamaracatz.com/nsite/ppal.htm):
- 6 to 7 pm Mini-Milonga and PERFORMANCE !, Tamara has invited us to visit her store in Paia (83 Hana Hwy, right next to Flat Bread) where we can dance and celebrate the visit of our friends, and who knows, they might even perform and give us a little teaser of what we’ll see on Saturday 16th’s Great Milonga … (Well, I know they will, so go ahead and tell everyone !)
Wednesday 13th, Studio 95 (Curves):
- 7 to 8:15 pm BEGINNERS: Fundamentals on Giro step (turns). Lead and Follow tips for Lapiz and Molinetes. We encourage the participation of all levels to refine and embellish your style
- 8:30 to 10 pm INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED: Giros, Enrosques, syncopation on the Molinetes. Elegant posture during the Giros to keep excellent Balance at all times. Beginners who took the first class are welcome to take this class as well
Friday 15th, Studio 95 (Curves):
- 7 to 10 pm GUIDED PRACTICA FOR ALL STUDENTS: Miriam and Leo will be dancing with you and help you refine the material covered in the classes so far. While called a practica this is considered as class due to the active participation of the teachers with the students. It is a complement to fulfill previous classes. All students are encouraged to come
Saturday 16th, Studio 95 (Curves):
- 2 to 3:15 pm BEGINNERS: ABC connection step. Possibilities of transitions between the figures. Elements for improvisation. We encourage the participation of all levels to refine and embellish your style
- 3:30 to 5 pm INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED: Boleos and Contra-Boleos. Which is the difference. Sexy boleos for her. Precision leading the boleos for him. Beginners can stay and watch for free
Saturday 16th, The Studio Maui, Haiku:
- 8 pm to midnight: Grand Milonga and Special Performance !!! - $20 at the door, you bring your drinks and pupus, we provide the bubbles ! This is a separate event and it is not included on the special prices detailed below - http://miriamlaricitango.com/videos/video1.swf
Sunday 17th, MACC:
- 5 to 6:15 pm BEGINNERS: Exercise to understand the music. Introduction on Paradas and Barridas
- 6:30 to 8 pm ALL LEVELS: Vals class. Rhythm and style. Working on Volcadas for social dancing. Beginners are welcome to work on the Vals
- 8 to 10 pm OPEN PRACTICA (All the community is welcome to join the practica for the traditional $5 fee, whether you are taking the workshop or not)
Monday 18th, MACC:
- 6 to 7 pm ALL LEVELS: Milonga, Vals and Tango. Explaining the different rhythms and dancing styles
- 7 to 8:30 ALL LEVELS: Dancing with different orchestras. Appropriate steps and dancing style dancing at Canaro, D'Arienzo, Pugliese, Biaggi, Di Sarli and all the famous Tango Composers
- 8:30 to 10 pm Join us for to say Thank You and Goodbye to Miriam and Leo on a free welfare milonga !!!
Tuesdays 19th is reserved open to add more classes if considered necessary. Miriam and Leo will also be available for privates during these days.
Drop in classes cost $25.-
- 20% discount for 5 or more paid in advance. That’s $20 per class !
- $200 FREE PASS to all classes and practicas, 13 in total. (Does not include the Saturday Grand Milonga). This comes down to almost $15 per class !!!
- VISITORS: Non Maui Residents, show us your flight ticket and get an aditional 20% on top !!! That’s $160 for the pass !
- MAUI RESIDENTS: Host a visiting student for free and receive an additional 10% on any of the packages. What a deal !!!
In order to benefit from these special rates you must purchase in advance by May 9th 2009.